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Interpretation of the dream of moving from one city to another city and the interpretation of the dream of moving from the house

Interpretation of the dream of moving from one city to another city and the interpretation of the dream of moving from the house
moving from the house

Interpretation of a dream about moving from one city to another
Interpretation of the dream of moving from one city to another, an indication of the change in the state of the seer, but the interpretation of the vision varies according to the state of the seer.

Senior scholars have interpreted visions of moving from one place to another, such as Ibn Sirin, Al-Nabulsi and Imam Al-Sadiq, and in the following we will present some of these interpretations.

Interpretation of a dream about moving from home

Seeing moving from one place to another in a dream indicates that the situation of the seer will change for the better, as the poor becomes rich.
The vision of moving from a good place to a bad place indicates evil, sins and problems.
Seeing the transition to a new place he does not know, indicates the dispersal of this person's thoughts and confusion in his life choices.
Seeing a person moving to his first place and returning to it, indicates the fulfillment of a right he is obligated to.
Seeing a person moving back to his first place is a sign of relief and relief from distress and worry, and distance from all evil.
Seeing a return to the place of the original seer is a sign of the dreamer's repentance from his sins and his return from disobedience to God Almighty.
Seeing a person moving from one place to another on foot is evidence of the debt and the difficulty of repaying it for the dreamer.
Interpretation of the dream of moving from one place to another riding a horse, indicates the height, pride and high status of the seer.
Seeing flying in the air and reaching a place, is a sign of the good that comes to him from the new place.
If a person sees that he flew in the sky, but did not return, then this indicates that death is approaching.
Seeing moving from one place to another while he is flying, indicates many wishes and goals.
Moving from one place to another while the seer was flying indicates curiosity and curiosity of the seer.
