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Most frequent nightmares and their meaning


 Most frequent nightmares and their meaning

Most of us have experienced a dream that causes anxiety or fear. Some people dream of the same nightmare over and over again. Others suffer nightmares whose content changes despite containing the same message.

Dreams are common in which the person falls, is chased, attacked, arrives late for an exam, is unable to move or scream, is naked in public ... This type of dream usually reflects the dreamer's inability to recognize and resolve conflicts in real life.

Importantly, almost all recurring nightmares attempt to render an important service to the dreamer. If, having a nightmare, our reaction is to try to forget it as soon as possible, then we lose an opportunity to learn from them and we will ignore the message they are trying to convey to us. If you suffer from recurring nightmares and want to know more about how to control them, click here.

In this sense, nightmares can be seen as a way to identify and treat personal problems. Sometimes they warn us about current behavior patterns or psychological imbalances that we must resolve. According to some experts, if we manage to heed the warning and find a solution in real life, we will stop having the nightmare, or we will have the dream again but with another ending - the ideal conclusion - which represents the definitive proof that we have solved the problem. .

A chase

The thing or person that pursues us usually represents a fearsome aspect of our shadow and, therefore, an exaggerated version of a denied or inhibited part of our own personality. We can profit from this kind of nightmare if we can recognize and address this part. The ideal conclusion of this nightmare would be not to try to escape, to face and dialogue with the one who is persecuting us, accept him and embrace him.


If you dream of a fall and are afraid, you have to ask yourself if you feel heavy, unsupported, worried about something. How could you make yourself feel lighter and freer? How could you feel more supported? The ideal conclusion to this dream would be to feel safe and land smoothly, or float, or fly.

Drive a runaway car

Your life is too chaotic and out of control You must try to find ways to slow down, seek peace of mind, and enjoy peace. The ideal conclusion to this nightmare is to drive well and within the speed limits. Or get out of the car and start walking quietly.

Exam or act: arrives late, or arrives unprepared, or fails.

It may be that you feel unprepared for an upcoming event, or you lack self-confidence. They may be unsubstantiated concerns, in which case you should try to have more self-esteem. Or maybe the dream is telling you that you should spend more time preparing for a job or situation to achieve your goal. The ideal conclusion of this dream would be that the exam would go well for you and that you could regain your self-confidence.

Cannot move or speak / scream

This nightmare indicates that you feel stuck in real life, feel like you are going nowhere, and have difficulty expressing your true emotions and desires. It is important to find a way to convey your feelings to third parties to try to change the things with which you are not satisfied.

He's naked in public

If you are naked in a public place and find it very uncomfortable and embarrassing even though other people don't seem to even realize your situation, you may wonder if there is some facet of your life where you feel unsafe, suffocated, or poor. capacity. The fact that the other characters in the dream do not realize their dilemma means that no one else sees their supposed disabilities, so they are probably not true but the product of a bad self-image. The ideal conclusion to this dream is a feeling of confidence and self-assurance despite your nudity.

It's hurt

If in the nightmare we are injured or lose a part of our body, we must ask ourselves if there is a part of our life (normally it does not refer to our physique, but our emotions, desires, interior) that we have neglected, mistreated or forgotten. The ideal conclusion of this dream is healing.

Its trapped

Being trapped or locked in a place in a nightmare indicates that a part of us feels trapped in real life. You have to find ways to open up to new possibilities and plans. The ideal conclusion of this dream is to achieve liberation.

Drowning in rough waters, a wave is approaching, or there is flooding

If you are drowning or if you dream of the approach of huge waves or floods, you have to ask yourself if in real life you are trying to hide or deny your emotions. Or that you feel overwhelmed and vulnerable by your emotions. It is important to try to find a formula that allows you to admit, accept and analyze these emotions. The ideal conclusion of the dream is to achieve nwalk without problems, or breathe calmly under water.

You have to take care of a helpless baby or animal that constantly cries

This dream raises the question of whether we are taking proper care of our inner child in real life. Maybe we should laugh more, play outside, express our creativity, be more spontaneous, enjoy more human warmth and intimate moments. The ideal conclusion of the dream is that we take care of the baby or the animal so that it stops crying and that we have fun with it.
