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Natural methods that accelerate hair growth and make hair thicker


 Natural methods that accelerate hair growth and make hair thicker

Due to our diet, various vitamin and mineral deficiencies or the hair care products we use, our hair may weaken and decrease, and hair growth may slow down. If you are also complaining about thinning and slow growth of your hair, do not worry; There are many natural techniques to increase hair growth and thickness at home. Here are the most effective natural solutions that accelerate hair growth and strengthen hair! 

coconut oil

Applying coconut oil topically can protect damaged hair and reduce the loss of protein or amino acids necessary for growth, reversing the side effects of products containing harsh chemicals.

Massage a few tablespoons of coconut oil into your scalp and wash off after an hour.


Gooseberry, also known as amla, is a common remedy for hair loss in India. It accelerates hair growth by stimulating the dermal papilla cells in our follicles.

It also prolongs the active growth phase of our hair's natural growth cycle. This means that your hair should form the basis of your beauty routine. Massage your hair with the palm of your hand and wash it after an hour.

onion juice

Onion juice can even treat irregular ringworm, thanks to its phytochemical compounds. Strain half an onion and apply to the scalp to extract the juice. Wash with plenty of shampoo to get rid of the smell. Do this twice a week.

Cemen grass

This underutilized ingredient is essential for shiny hair because of its bioactive compounds. But if you are allergic to legumes such as soybeans, peanuts or green peas, you should know that you may also be allergic to fenugreek seeds.

Soak a quarter of the seeds in water overnight. Then grind them into a paste and apply as a hair mask for 30 minutes, just rinse with water.


The key ingredient in yogurt is probiotics, which can boost growth and reduce damage. It has also been confirmed by experiments that yogurt improves hair quality.

Moreover, it is very easy to benefit from this nutritious food! Eating yogurt every day is enough to improve your hair health.

Green tea

From face masks to under-eye masks, green tea bags have been natural beauty saviors for decades. Green tea is full of antioxidants and polyphenols that can form silky threads.

The bioactive compounds in tea can even reduce hair loss. You can drink several glasses a day to reap its benefits.

Rosemary oil

Essential oils are a common solution for those who have trouble growing their hair the way they want. Rosemary oil is one of the most important essential oils for the treatment of growing and androgenetic alopecia.

To protect your skin, mix a few drops of rosemary oil with another oil, massage into scalp and hair before rinsing. You can also buy shampoos and conditioners that contain rosemary oil as a main ingredient.

Fish oil

Consuming fish oil in liquid or capsule form can promote hair growth because these supplements contain a valuable source called DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid. It multiplies the dermal papilla cells in the scalp, which can reverse hair loss and solve problems with baldness.


Most people don't know that a cup of coffee can solve their hair problems, but caffeine can help hair growth and prolong the anagen phase of hair growth. This, in turn, can reduce baldness or thinning hair. All you have to do is drink a cup of coffee a day!


Egg yolk mask can help with a number of hair problems. Eggs contain high amounts of lecithin and protein, which both heal and nourish hair, making them as strong as possible. It also contains high amounts of sulfur, which can help people suffering from dandruff.

Mix two eggs with two tablespoons of olive oil. Dilute with half a glass of water to reduce stickiness. Apply to combed dry hair and leave for 30 minutes before shampooing.
