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Chinese zodiac sign for people born in 1987 and their horoscope predictions for 2022


1987 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Rabbit

What kind of rabbits were born in 1987 in the year of the Chinese zodiac?

Chinese zodiac sign for people born in 1987 and their horoscope predictions for 2022

Fiery bunny

1987 is the year of the rabbit with the element of fire based on the Chinese zodiac and the five elements. Therefore, people with the rabbit of the Chinese zodiac born in 1987 are the fire rabbit.

The Chinese zodiac follows the lunar calendar. Based on the Gregorian calendar, people born from January 29, 1987 to February 16, 1988 are the Fire Rabbit and those born from January 1 to January 28 in 1987 are the Fire Tiger.

Lucky Signs for 1987 Fire Rabbit

Lucky numbers: 0, 6

Lucky colors: green, blue

2022 Horoscope for the Fire Rabbit Born in 1987

People born in 1987 have very great fortune in their career in 2022.

Seizing the various opportunities will help them move forward. They will be recognized by the leaders and get a promotion, where they can come up with some creative ideas.

They must remain neutral while arguing between the different parties in their company.

The luck of their fortune is not satisfactory this year.

They are likely to buy some unnecessary things and spend a lot on social relations and entertainment.

Don't invest too much because that is risky and they may not get anything back. For the businessman, they are suggested to pay more attention to the market trend and choose the cooperating partners carefully.

It is a favorable year to get married or have a baby for rabbits.

Married couples must balance their work and family. Take care of the beloved despite his preoccupation with work so that he has a stable marriage.

Although they may quarrel with the beloved, they will immediately deal with him.

In 2021, they are healthy due to their young age.

What they should take care of is to avoid catching a cold.

 But basic exercises are definitely essential to keep away from chronic diseases.

2022 Horoscope for the Fire Rabbit Born in 1987

The career development of rabbits born in 1987 has not been stable in 2021. Compared to last year, they will obviously feel that the tasks are so heavy that they need to work extra time to complete them. There will be strong competitors around them which makes them face tremendous pressure from time to time. Due to the great work pressure and emotional instability, the relationship with colleagues is also very strained. Especially in the second half of 2022, if they do not hold back their emotions, they may have greater conflicts with their colleagues and may need to find a new job.

Nor is their fortune good in 2022. Living expenses will far exceed the original consumption plan. Besides, there are always a lot of unexpected expenses. Therefore, they should spend this year reasonably. It is better to form the habit of recording, so that they can clearly know each expense and reduce unnecessary expenses to a certain extent. 2022 is not a suitable year to invest in stocks and real estate, otherwise it is easy to cause a loss of wealth.

In 2022, there were many unfavorable factors influencing the relationship. Due to their busy work and great psychological pressure, they pay less attention to their families and less contact with their lovers. Especially for long-distance lovers, this situation can seriously affect their feelings. If they want to have a stable relationship, then they should consider profession and passion. No matter how busy they are, don't ignore their partner's feelings. It is suggested to celebrate every important moment and festival by having dinner together and taking photos.

Their health luck will decline in 2022. Since there are so many wrong things in life and work, it is easy for them to have greater emotional fluctuations. So their body resistance will decrease, making them susceptible to diseases. Colds and fever often occur, especially at the end of seasons. Rabbits should pay more attention to physical changes in normal times. Don't stay up late at night. Only by getting a good rest at night can efficiency work during the day and the body can be in good shape.

Personal Traits of the Chinese Zodiac Rabbit in 1987

People born in the year 1987 of the Rabbit are smart and skilled, and they can easily achieve success in every field. They have a good reputation among friends for being open, tolerant and cautious. Most of them have a unique vision and know how to make use of their talents.

However, they often leave others with a kind of arrogant impression due to their high aspirations and great desires. When they are in a bad mood, they often lose their temper and hurt others with words.

career path career path

For the fire rabbit, the career path is not very smooth. There may be some twists and turns. For them, competition in the workplace is fierce, and the pressure is great. But with the changes in the environment and employees, they may encounter some co-operative people. Work hard and they can eventually achieve success in their fields.


Wealth wealth is not very stable. If the company performs poorly, its financial wealth may also decline. Accidental injuries may result in money loss, and property should be kept carefully when going into public places. Investing may bring them some wealth, but they need to be careful in investing.

love and relationships

Their love and relationship are relatively good. Singles often get to know their life partners by introducing their relatives and friends. Although they may resist a blind date at first, they will have a good feeling after the connection. Married people are rarely involved in household chores and parent-child activities, which makes their partners feel sad. They should spend more time with familyPay attention to the health of their bodies. Due to the stress in the workplace, they may suffer from insomnia and headaches. When they feel very stressed at work, they should not drink to loosen up, otherwise it will have a long-term pernicious effect on their health. It is suggested to adjust the attitude from their work, to exercise or go outside to get rid of the negative situation.

Keywords: the rabbit, the Chinese zodiac, the fire rabbit, revolutions, money, born in 1987,
