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1978 Chinese Zodiac - Earth Horse



1978 Chinese Zodiac - Earth Horse

What kind of horse are people born in the year 1978 in the Chinese zodiac?
People born in the year 1978 are with the Chinese zodiac horse sign and 1978 with the Earth element based on the Chinese Five Elements.
Chinese people have followed the lunar calendar since ancient times. Referring to the Gregorian calendar, the year of the Earth Horse runs from February 7, 1978 to January 27, 1979. Those born from January 1 to February 6 in 1978 are the former Fire Snake. Lucky Signs for 1966 Fire Horse Lucky numbers: 2, 6, 8 lucky colors: brown, yellow, purple 2020 Horoscope for the Earth Horse born in 1978

In professional life, horse owners may expect instability in 2020.

It is important to maintain a realistic attitude at work and to communicate well with your colleagues. Remain calm when you encounter difficulties at work and avoid impatience. Try to learn to deal with problems flexibly. You may get the appreciation of the leader to some extent. People born in 1978 will have some problems in 2020.

Because this year is the year of the Rat, while people born in 1978 are in relatively hostile horoscope relationships. As for luck, they need to be more careful and be careful, be sure to stay away from petty people. Also, it is not suggested to engage in investment activity so that you can avoid some unnecessary financial losses.

Throughout the whole year, they are suggested to save some money in order to deal with emergencies or unexpected expenses. For single horses, they will have a high probability of meeting their true love. However, it is advisable to slow down the pace and patiently establish a stable love relationship. If they are involved with loved ones, they need to show more understanding and caution to deal with differences. Stay calm and maintain the relationship with their partners carefully.

As for a personal relationship, horses must maintain a humble attitude all the time. It is advisable to be patient and kind, maintain a harmonious relationship with colleagues and leaders. According to horse fortune predictions in 2021, they will always have some tough problems in their work and their salary and earnings will not be directly proportional. For some horses who are not good at resisting stress, they may have the idea of ​​self-abandonment.

This type of emotion needs to be adjusted in time. For those new recruits, they should stay out of the limelight in their work, and they shouldn't advertise when they have achieved achievements. As long as they are doing their own thing well step by step, there is great hope for promotion and salary increase in the future. Moreover, horses need to pay a lot of attention to the state of health. It is suggested that you spend more time exercising, developing healthy eating habits, and participating in some outdoor activities.

In general, having an annual medical examination is vital to maintaining your health. 2021 Horoscope for earth horses born in 1978 Their negative emotions from the stress of work often affect their family members. Due to frequent social activities abroad, they lack communication with their lovers.

If horses do not deal with such a bad situation in time or think for themselves, small problems are likely to turn into big contradictions and ultimately lead to unfavorable results. Singles may meet people they love very much, but it's not very smooth in the process of following along. They may miss each other due to some unexpected things. Because the business is not well developed, it directly affects their income.
And there will always be a lot of unexpected expenses. For the wealthy poor, it is impossible to make money through business or other side investments.
However, it is not recommended to invest money in high-risk or unstable fields. Once they make a mistake, not only will they get the profit, but all the money invested will be lost. The health of the horses is not good. Health problems such as coughing, insomnia and headache problems will occur. It is suggested that horses refrain from smoking and drinking, and that they develop good living habits. Don't stay up late or participate in a lot of social activities.

Find ways to relieve their stress. Cultivating interests and hobbies or increasing the frequency of outdoor activities are good options. Usually, they should eat more light and nutritious foods Personal Traits of the 1978 Chinese Land Horse People born in the year 1978, the year of the Horse, are optimistic. They have a strong sense of responsibility with easy-going, kind-hearted and helpful characteristics, so it is easy for them to make friends with others. And they are definitely a reliable friend.

They are honest people who can be fair and only when in harmony with others. However, they are bad-tempered and impatient, which always leads them to give up halfway. They are too proud and even arrogant to admit their flaws. They also complain a lot about the misery of life.

It is suggested that they live in the moment and try to be satisfied with the current situation. Career Path Public Wealth for Fire Horse 1978 Good.

Their intelligence and diligence will be easily appreciated by supervisors, so that they have more chances to get a promotion. They know how to use the resources around them to advance their career, so that they can easily become managers of the company.

Wealth The Chinese fire horse has good luck in wealth. They can earn great salaries from working. Their investment in it is also good.

They will meet some professionals to help them, so it is easy for them to make some extra money from the investment.

But they should get rid of bad habits such as wasting money and spending it on useless things. Love and relationships will go down a relatively smooth path of love and relationships.

because of their kindness
, they have many friends. Horses will only have one lover during their lifetime. They will take good care of their husbands, and their husbands also know how much they love them and treat them the same way.

However, maintain a calm attitude when dealing with children; Don't be too harsh. Health Wealth health is not very good. It's easy for them to go crazy, so they may develop some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

It is essential that they learn to control their nerves and adapt and vent their bad feelings in a reasonable and healthy way.

People born in different years of the Horse: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014