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1980 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Monkey


 1980 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Monkey

Chinese zodiac sign for those born in 1980 and their horoscope predictions for 2021

What kind of monkeys were born in the 1980 Chinese zodiac?

According to the Chinese zodiac, 1980 is the year of the monkey, and it belongs to the metallic element based on the five Chinese elements. Therefore, people born in this year are the Metal Monkey. Referring to the Gregorian calendar, people born from February 16, 1980 to February 4, 1981 are Metal Monkey, and people born from January 1 to February 15 in 1980 belong to the former Earth sign.


Lucky Signs for 1980's Metal Monkey

 Lucky numbers: 0, 9

 Lucky colors: gold, white


2020 Horoscope for Metal Monkey born in 1980

Monkeys born in 1980 will be very lucky in 2020. They will do well in their workplace and will be appreciated by colleagues, thus they may have opportunities for promotion. It is appropriate to start a business this year but think carefully when choosing cooperation and program partners.

In wealth, they get higher salaries and earn more than last year. They must make a detailed plan to accumulate their fortunes. Don't buy unnecessary things and save more money for dealing with emergencies. Investment is also suggested under the supervision of professional persons.

On the health side, they will face more health problems than last year. Because of hard work, monkeys always ignore their health. Balancing work and rest benefits both work and health. Do not stay awake, eat less spicy food and drink less. In middle age, it is also recommended to exercise more in free time.

As for love and relationship, they will have a stable relationship with their beloved partners. But they may quarrel over the education of children. Remember to talk to each other calmly. Accompany the husband more and keep the relationship fresh by creating romance in everyday life.


2021 Horoscope for Metal Monkey born in 1980

People born in 1980 aspire to expand business this year. Their hard work and ability to adapt to the new environment will make them earn a great fortune. However, at the same time, they pay little attention to his or her family relationship, and quarrels between them and their partner may occur frequently.

Once people in Metal Monkey want to achieve something new in their career, they will totally get caught up in it until they succeed, which coincides with the predictions of Monkey Fortune in 2021. Based on their experience and foresight, they will be able to seize the golden business opportunities this year.

Metal Monkeys' good fortune in fortune matched their success in career. In 2021, they are more likely to invest their money wisely and have satisfactory results. In another case, their potential undertakings may attract investment from others and ease Metal Monkeys' concern about chain capital. Even ordinary people have good luck when buying lottery tickets.

However, their business ambition is a double-edged sword this year, as they rarely pay attention to their families. People born in 1980 should correct the balance between family and work. Many words of comfort, small gifts, or just a warm hug work well.

Given their fortune from monkeys in 2021, they will attend many social events this year. Remember not to drink too much alcohol and avoid high-fat foods like steak and bacon. It is suggested that they exercise under the supervision of a special fitness trainer.

Metal Monkey Personality Traits 1980

People born in the year 1980 of the Monkey are intelligent, creative and talented. They have outstanding eloquence and a strong desire to express themselves. In addition, they have an intense thirst for knowledge and love to strive for new things. The indomitable spirit makes them stick to one thing in order to succeed.

But the Chinese monkey people born in 1980 are impatient and stubborn. They always think that they are very smart, so it is easy for them to be victims of their own intelligence. Moreover, they are mischievous and like to play tricks on others, so they are notoriously popular.

career path career path

1980 Monkey Chinese zodiac has a good and smooth fortune in his career. Office employees can seize many opportunities in the field of work, good performance and hard work makes them appreciated by their boss and helps them get a promotion. At the same time, it is very convenient that they do their own business. As long as they make a detailed plan before acting, they will succeed.


Fortune rugged metal monkey. Since they are not people who covet money, their concept of money is rather vague and they can be easily deceived by malicious people. And their reckless nature makes it difficult for them to do things calmly and make great fortune. However, after failure, they will have an awareness of the accumulation of wealth. So their late half-life financial fortune isn't bad.


love and relationships

Wealth in love and relationship is very good for them. They have a lot of followers at a young age, and they can easily find the right person for marriage. After marriage, there may still be some fans around due to their success in career. Monkeys must take the initiative to get away from them, and accompany their spouses further to strengthen their relationship.


the health

Metal Monkey may be in poor physical condition, but it can be improved. They are more likely to develop minor illnesses such as colds, fever, and gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, you should pay attention to food hygiene, especially in the summer; They should also continue to exercise to improve their body's immunity.

 People born in different years of the Monkey: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
