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Interpretation of a dream about running in a dream


Interpretation of a dream about running in a dream

Running in a dream is one of the dreams that a sleeping person may see, and the interpretation of the dream varies from one person to another based on what the dreamer sees in general.

Interpretation of a dream about running in a dream

Seeing a person running or that other people are jogging in a dream may indicate several things, the most important of which are:

It is possible that the dream is evidence that the dreamer is an athlete and is very interested in running in general.
A dream may indicate that a person is exposed to a lot of pressures in life.
Or it may indicate that a person has internal energy and seeks to get rid of it in general.

Fear and running in the dream

Among the dreams that a person may see in a dream is running and being afraid of something in reality, which indicates the following:

A dream may indicate a person’s constant pursuit of the things he wants to obtain, and it may indicate that a person thinks a lot about the things he wants to obtain.
Running with fear in a dream may indicate that a person will take many important decisions during the coming period.
Or evidence of the many difficulties that a person may face during the coming period.

Interpretation of running and fear in a dream

Some interpreters believe that this dream indicates the responsibility that a person suffers from in reality

Where the dream indicates a person’s fear of the large number of responsibility that falls on his shoulders in reality
