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Seeing the corridor and the bridge in a dream in detail

Seeing the corridor and the bridge in a dream in detail
corridor and the bridge
corridor and the bridge

To dream of being led under a similar bridge represents awareness of other people who need to do something different and not what you are doing. Feelings about other people navigating life or not needing to talk to you if they don't want to.

Negatively, a dream about driving under an overpass could be a sign that you are experiencing jealousy or frustration because life is not as easy as you would like it to be. Observe other people in your life who don't have much difficulty with something that you are struggling with. Noting that people who have an easier time succeeding are easier on life trends that are different from yours. Fear of other people who will never want to talk to you again. Feelings about another person choosing to move on with their life when you don't need them.

Dreaming of driving on top of a bridge represents awareness of moving in life to a higher degree. Moving on from people or not having to talk to people anymore if you don't want to. People go through life in which you are better off. The feeling of being on a "path in life" is better than someone else's.

Dreaming of standing somewhere down the highway may reflect the feeling of noticing other people in life who are doing something different and faster than you might be. Watching other people succeed at something you find difficult.

Dreaming of your car crashing into the edge of an overpass and falling down may reflect feelings of problems, failure, or conflict that prevent you from advancing in front of others or moving on with your life.

Dreaming of walking away from an overpass of the highway toward a train station may reflect your attempts to counter jealousy or frustration by choosing to take a long-term approach to solving your problem.

Example: A woman dreams of walking under a flyover. In waking life, she was having trouble getting pregnant while watching all her friends bore so easily. The overpass in this case symbolizes her feelings about being an easier carrier for other people and not the direction of life she was taking.

Example 2: A woman dreamed of seeing her ex-boyfriend driving a mobile car under a giant overpass with a parking lot on top. In waking life she felt like her whole life was stagnant and that her boyfriend didn't care about anything but talking to her as a friend and moving on with his life.
