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1977 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Snake in 2022


 1977 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Snake

What kind of snake was born in 1977 in the year of the Chinese zodiac?

The Snake is the 1977 Chinese zodiac sign. In addition, based on the five Chinese elements, the year 1977 belongs to Fire. So people born in 1977 are a Fire Snake.

The Chinese zodiac uses the lunar calendar, which is different from the Gregorian calendar. Based on people born from February 18, 1977 to February 6, 1978 are Fire Snake and those born from January 1 to February 17 in 1977 are with the previous Chinese zodiac sign, Fire Dragon.


Lucky Signs for 1977 Fire Snake

 Lucky numbers: 2, 8, 9

 Lucky colors: red, yellow, black


2022 Horoscope for the Fire Snake Born in 1977

In the workplace, they may need to deal with a lot of obstacles and finish more tasks. Some of them may have conflicts with co-workers or leaders. Although someone might secretly help them, it doesn't seem to work very well. The helpful solution is that they work hard, keep a low profile, and focus on getting through the tough year.

The work is affected, their salaries may decrease, especially those who rely heavily on bonus. Fortunately, there will not be much spending this year and it is possible to maintain a balance between income and cost if they reduce spending on non-essential things.

Not very good at expressing feelings and often losing their temper, it is difficult for people born in 1977, the year of the Snake, to maintain a harmonious relationship with a partner. It is highly recommended to make some changes in case their marriage is ruined.

Their physical condition deteriorates with age. Take some measures to strengthen the body, such as getting regular exercise, getting enough rest, and maintaining a balanced diet.


1977 Chinese Zodiac Fire Serpent Character Traits

The 1977 Chinese Fire Snake is intelligent, insightful, energetic and mysteriously charming. It is full of resources for any emergency. They have strong reaction ability and high social skills. The fire snake makes a wide range of friends and attaches great importance to friendship. They will receive help from many friends when they are in trouble.

However, they are impulsive, lack patience and perseverance, so it is easy for them to make mistakes. They are very outspoken which can sometimes hurt others. And they are rather stubborn, so they hardly listen to other people's opinions.


Professional life

For people born in the year 1977 of the Chinese zodiac snake, their career fortune fluctuates greatly. There will be some opportunities in their field of work. If they can seize the opportunities well, they will become experts in the industry. If they don't absorb it well, they won't be able to achieve anything in the end. Moreover, opportunities usually appear without harbinger. So it is suggested that they continue to study in their daily life.



Their fortune is relatively simple. They may develop a bad habit of extravagance. If they just spend money but don't know how to manage money, they will eventually have no money left. However, they have good luck with the investment. If they can learn some knowledge about investing and money management, they could make quite a bit of money. Just remember not to waste money on useless products.


love and relationships

The 1977 Fire Snakes enjoy a good relationship with their spouses. Their love is admired by many people. Even after marriage, their relationship is still very sweet. But stay away from outside temptations; Otherwise, it will not only harm family harmony, but also have a significant impact on their career and financial fortunes.


the health

Health horoscope is not so bad. But they should pay attention to the problem in the liver, stomach and spleen. Since they have the ambition to make great achievements in their careers, drinking and smoking in commercial activities may be unavoidable, which will greatly damage the liver and spleen. Therefore, they should do their best to rationalize their diet, reduce smoking and reduce drinking. Otherwise, it is easy to cause more serious complications.


 People born in different years of Rat: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
