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1979 Chinese Zodiac - Sheep of the Earth 2022


 1979 Chinese Zodiac - Sheep of the Earth

What kind of sheep were born in 1979 in the year of the Chinese zodiac?

According to the order of the twelve zodiac signs, 1979 is the year of the sheep. The year has the earth element based on the Chinese five elements. Therefore, the people born in the 1979 Chinese zodiac are the Sheep of the Earth.

Since the Chinese zodiac uses the lunar calendar, the Earth's sheep people were born from January 28, 1979 to February 15, 1990 in the Gregorian calendar. People born between January 1 and January 27 in 1979 are the former Earth Horse sign.


Lucky signs for 1979 earth sheep

 Lucky numbers: 1, 6

 Lucky colors: black, dark green


2022 zodiac sign for earth sheep born in 1979

Fortune 2022 for those born in 1979 Ram is perfect in many aspects.

In the professional run, their ability and efficiency at work may improve a lot, ensuring that they perform well and gain recognition from leaders. Income from business is likely to increase accordingly. However, under the influence of the ominous stars, their fortune in making extra money is not good, so it is better not to invest in financial products or stocks this year.

In terms of a love affair, they are very lucky. Singles are more likely to fall in love and happily spend time with their lover. Married couples get closer and closer to their partner and derive happiness from their married life.

In terms of health and safety, their fortune is not very good. The potential for injury from accidents and inconvenience from physical problems is high. Take precautions to avoid this from happening.


Character traits of the sheep of the Chinese zodiac in 1979

People born in the year 1979 of Sheep have an elegant appearance and noble characteristics. They are kind, gentle and patient. At the same time, they have an assertive inner nature. In addition, they are impartial, honest and outspoken, and will never plot against others. When their friends are in trouble, they will try their best to help them, so that they are famous among friends.

Earth sheep are very pessimistic and emotional, which leads to negative thoughts. At the same time, they are too stubborn to easily get rid of problems and do not like to find problems on their own.


Professional life

The occupational fortune of ground sheep born in 1979 is relatively good. For office workers, they may change jobs several times to move to their preferred industry, and eventually make good progress. For entrepreneurs, as long as they seize the opportunity, they are more likely to be successful. However, it is worth noting that in the process of starting a business, there can be a lot of difficulties. They should stick to it and not give up halfway.



The Chinese sheep people of 1979 are lucky in fortune. With the development of their career, their salary will rise, on the basis of which they may live a rich life in the last half of their life. They can also earn some extra money from investing. However, they should be careful and not try to make a high-risk investment.


love and relationships

Good fortune love earth sheep. For unmarried people, they will meet their beloved in the near future, but do not be too active. Otherwise, one will get frightened and run away. Married people get along well with their spouses. They care about each other and understand each other. However, they may face many temptations. They should stick to the end result and not do anything wrong or harmful to their partner.


the health

The 1979 Chinese sheep people may suffer from poor health due to excessive stress. They must learn to relax. They can tell their family and friends their fears, or go on a trip to avoid physical and mental fatigue.

 People born in different years of the sheep: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
