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1989 snake 2022 Chinese horoscope


Chinese zodiac sign for people born in 1989 and their horoscope predictions for 2022

serpent tower

Note: Horoscope predictions are for people born between February 6, 1989 and January 26, 1990.

If you were born before February 6, 1989, your Chinese horoscope is Dragon.

 Please refer to the 2022 Chinese horoscope predictions for a Dragon born in 1988.

Your horoscope predictions for 2022

* The forecast is valid for 2022 (Year of the Bull) starting on January 25, 2022 and lasting until February 11, 2023.


Total wealth could be stable for 1989 Snakes in 2022.

Your career will go smoothly but you must pay attention to the financial and investment aspects and you must be careful about uncertain assets.

In terms of love and relationship, doing well in career and wealth will ease your love life and you will find the right partner to spend life together.

Health is what you should monitor closely and not spoil it with work.

career path career path

2022 can be a good year for Snakes born in 1989 to advance their career.

This year, you will have a stage where you can showcase your talents and earn someone's favor to stand on a bigger stage who can develop yourself and help you gain the appreciation of others. Even if that's the case, you shouldn't be too proud, otherwise you will miss out on more promotion opportunities.

 To improve your luck in your career in 2022, it is best to wear Lapis Lazuli bracelet with Snake sign.


Due to extravagance and extravagant spending that can lead to the loss of money, you will have little luck for wealth. Therefore, you must be careful and never act on impulse when you choose to invest in financial products or speculate in stocks, otherwise it is too late to regret.

In the second half of the year, you should pay more attention to the above.

If possible, it would be best for you to leave the property rights to your partner.

 For females, it is best to wear a yellow citrine bracelet with Pi Xiu in 2022 to help bring good Feng Shui and rich in finances.

And for male, it is best to wear a tiger eye bracelet with Pi Xiu.

love relationship

People born in the year 1989 with Snake can be more extroverted and willing to show or express yourself in 2022.

 Also, you will look forward to a good relationship and get more possession from your crush. Whether it is a dating activity arranged by family members or a party, you can be very active to participate in it. If you are already romantically involved, you may break up or get married this year.

If you are married, you may find marriage full of ups and downs. As a result, you are suggested to be rational and handle emotional issues properly to prevent them from affecting your fortune. You are suggested to wear rose quartz bracelet with snake sign to attract good love or solve love and marriage crisis in 2022.

the health

1989 Snake people can have good health during 2022 but you still have to pay attention to that.

A large number of people will focus on their career and will not find that they have serious physical problems until they reach a certain age. This is very illogical. If you don't want to feel regret in the future, you should take good care of your health now.

This year you may suffer from some minor physical problems, which can be a stimulant to remind you to monitor your health, take a break in time and exercise properly. You can wear green agate bracelet with the sign of the snake to maintain your good health in 2022.

If you drive a lot, it is better to hang double citrine yellow rearview mirror trim for good luck and safe driving in 2022.

Keywords: Chinese zodiac, Chinese zodiac, born 1989, Snake sign, Chinese zodiac Snake, predictions for the year 2022, Chinese zodiac predictions for 2022, year 2022
