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Chinese Taurus for the year 2022


What is the Ox personality?

Who is the Ox compatible with?

What kind of Ox is 1985?

You are a Chinese Taurus (Buffalo) if you were born during the year of the Bull 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 or 2021

The 2022 Chinese horoscope for Taurus (Buffalo) for the aboriginals in the second sign of the Chinese zodiac predicts a period of intense struggles and efforts, but these are put under the seal of protection.

 Suffice it to say right away, for a Taurus, the Tiger years are not easy.

During the Chinese year 2022, the bull must find the answer to the many questions that attack him regarding the direction he has given up so far in his career.

He can, for example, decide to reorient his professional activity by focusing on a financially promising area, failing to be more innovative. Likewise, the self-employed or the businessman can decide to leave the city for the countryside to be more calm in the necessary combination of his family and his career.

 In 2022 in particular, care must be taken for Taurus, in business as in love. So the second sign of the Chinese calendar must at all costs control his impulses for the desire to engage in difficult or risky actions. If Taurus wants to get results that meet his ambitions, he should avoid going on an adventure alone as usual, prefer complementary and protective associations.

As of the Chinese New Year 2022, thanks to the appropriateness of his choices and his adaptability in his actions, Taurus can successfully solve the vast majority of puzzles that he will encounter. In short, the year of the Tiger 2022 turned out to be rather noisy and very surprising for the taste of the Taurus.

However, this period is still interesting for the strong and loyal buffalo buffalo, because the tiger gives him the opportunity to clearly redefine his true existential aspirations.

Is 1985 a wood Ox?

According to Chinese zodiac, 1985 is the year of the Ox. Therefore, people born in Chinese calendar year 1985, specifically February 20, 1985 to February 8, 1986 in Gregorian calendar is the Wood Ox; those people who born from January 1 to February 19 in 1985 belong to the previous Wood Rat year
