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How Should Hair Care Be Taken in Summer?


How Should Hair Care Be Taken in Summer? 

Ways to Maintain Hair and Hair Color in Summer

During the summer months, hair can lose its vitality by being worn out due to pool chlorine, harmful sun rays, humidity and sea salt. Especially dyed hair can become dull. So how should hair care be in summer? Here are ways to protect hair and hair color in summer...

Excessive sun exposure can weaken and dry the hair. On top of that, the hair that comes into contact with the pool or sea water wears out more. It can even survive without vitamins. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to hair care in the summer season. So how can hair health be maintained in summer? Here are the details...

How should hair care be in summer?

Do not wash hair with very hot water

Shampoo suitable for the type of hair should be preferred, especially in order to eliminate the effect after the sea or the pool. Hair should be washed with warm water, not very hot water. Because hot water can cause further damage to the hair.

heat protectant

Use heat protectant care creams before exposing your hair to a blow dryer, straightener, or tongs. These prevent high heat from damaging the hair.

Do not blow dry on wet hair

If your hair is very wet, do not expose it directly to heat, they will break and wear out. After drying with a towel, apply a blow dryer or straightener.

eat healthy

Iron-rich foods strengthen hair, improve its texture and stimulate its growth. Eat plenty of lean meats, fish, low-fat cheeses, egg whites, spinach and soy. Include fruits, nuts, vegetables and grains in your diet.

Suitable hair masks can be preferred

If the hair is dyed, a color-preserving hair mask can be preferred. Thus, in addition to preserving the color of the hair, the hair strands can also be strengthened.
