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Everything you wonder about pregnancy tests!


"How and when is a pregnancy test done?" The answer to your question is here.

Trying to get pregnant is a very exciting, enjoyable and exhausting process. There is a lot of information we have heard, some true and some false. The fact that everyone thinks they know is right also complicates the matter enough. So we investigated one of those complex issues, pregnancy tests. “How do they work, how accurate are they, when should they be done, which is the best?” The answer to all your questions is here!

How to do a home pregnancy test?

We assume you know the beginning of the story. You go to the pharmacy, buy a pack of pregnancy tests, urinate a little on it, wait for a while, and then see how many lines there are and see if you are pregnant.

So how do these pregnancy tests work?

To summarize briefly, a hormone called hCG is produced after fertilization occurs. The pregnancy test also tries to understand whether this hormone is present in the body through urine. The higher the level of hCG hormone in your urine, the more likely you are to be pregnant. However, a negative pregnancy test from time to time may not mean that there is no pregnancy. This can happen if the test is done too early. If a negative result is not expected, it would be best to wait another week and repeat the test.

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

When trying to get pregnant, it's perfectly normal to want to take a pregnancy test right away that month. In fact, most women may want to test even before their period is too late. However, it is useful to be a little careful in this regard. Because early testing may result in an incorrect result. According to experts, the best time to do the test is if the menstrual period is regular, the dates when the period is delayed.

Fake results...

According to experts, it is possible for the test to be falsely negative if the menstrual day calculation is done incorrectly. Sometimes the expected ovulation day does not happen on the expected day, so it may vary from person to person. If you expect a positive, missed period and still test negative, it would be reasonable to wait another three days. Positive results are generally consistent. However, let's say that ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy) or miscarriage also increases the hCG hormone.

Which is the best test?

Experts say that the tests on the market will be generally available, but they also underline that it is necessary to know that the tests will not be very successful. However, the tests may not give accurate results because the amount of hCG in the urine will not be high enough yet. The rise of hCG hormone occurs within 7 to 8 days after fertilization. With pregnancy, the du number doubles in 48 hours. Most pregnancy tests can detect up to 35 ml of hCG in general. The expected hCG on the first day of a missed period can be about 46 ml. Therefore, performing the test beforehand will not give the expected result, as the hCG hormone has not yet risen.
